In Words We See
Ryoko Endo
In Words We See is a solo presentation by the NYC-based artist Ryoko Endo, featuring six large abstract paintings from 2012 – 2022. Ryoko Endo’s abstract paintings are formed by lifelong investments into color relationships and the potential energy stored in human gestures. For her, painting is, first and foremost, a method of communication. Endo learned traditional Sumi ink calligraphy. From these lessons, she developed a more fluid method of brushwork, a common technique in contemporary calligraphy, yet it is rarely applied to acrylic painting. Incorporating this approach into her painting practice has given the work a unique energy. Endo also studied under second-generation abstract expressionist Kikuo Saito, who strongly affected how she approached color relationships. The paintings are thick with many built-up layers. Carefully applying opaque and translucent paint creates a push-pull effect that draws in the viewer. The delicate balance and conflict between the color and brushwork create a perfect blend of harmony and discord. This duality reflects one’s experience in life.
About the Artist
Ryoko Endo studied graphic design and typography at Musashino Art University in Tokyo, Japan. Working diligently in food and publication industry for over 20 or so years. Endo needed a change of pace. At the age of forty-three, she had plenty of energy. She was determined to discover what would gratify and feed her soul. In 1994, although she had never visited, she moved alone to New York City and began working in the food industry. In September 2006, she joined the Art Students League. The gallery had instructors show, Instructor Kikuo Saito’s brilliant vivid splashes of colors were so refreshing and so moving to her that it drove away her sadness. She was bursting from within and felt like she wanted to paint as he did. It was Kikuo’s one painting that motivated her to begin painting abstract. She had not picked up a brush in more than thirty-two years when she began studying under Kikuo Saito. She is a super late starter. However, six months later, her picture received Red dot honors in the show. Had it not been for her earlier misfortunes, she might never have realized her potential as an artist. In all her paintings, she tries to express a sense of gratitude, as painting saved her. Her paintings continue the traditions of lyrical abstraction expressionism. She hopes her work encourages others to find their true path in life. She has exhibited extensively throughout New York, New Orleans in both solo and group exhibitions and in 2015 she received a Trudy and Henry Gillette Painting scholarship and 2023 she reached a Lioyd Sharwood Glant Honaorble Mention.
For more information on Ryoko Endo, visit her website and follow her on Instagram.