Humankind, Be Both
Sandro Madsen
Humankind, Be Both is the debut solo exhibition by multimedia artist Sandro Madsen. As we re-enter life post pandemic lockdown, Sandro imagines ways we can recreate and celebrate our humanity, the marks people make on our city, the unseen energy, ‘the force’ that binds us. While we treasure what we missed during the lockdown – locally, the small-scale, the eccentric, our ordinary daily life routines – we can reimagine the ways in which we interact with what remains and what is possible physically and beyond. We can envision a future that is more hopeful, harmonious, connected. We are able to imagine a better, reimagined, future for NYC.
Through the use of geometric shapes and straight lines without dictation, sans use of any straight edge or rulers, and the contrast of free-flowing energy that takes shape and forms organically as a result of these straight lines coming together, Sandro’s work becomes a way of questioning the attitudes, fears, and rules which have formed the environment around us and our behaviors within it.
The exhibition will feature an interactive public art wall, “RE-IMAGINE NYC” where visitors receive instructions on how to submit their NYC pandemic stories and vision for the future. Over the course of the exhibition, Sandro will draw the faces of those who submit their stories and add them to the wall with a QR Code that can be scanned to listen to the audio of each person’s voice telling their story, in their own words. By listening to each other’s stories Sandro hopes visitors will connect to our shared humanity, however different our experiences may be. To submit your story visit www.re-imagine.nyc.
About the Artist:
Sandro Madsen is a queer non-binary identified multimedia, multifaceted, artist and creative producer residing in Brooklyn, New York. Having been born in the USA and raised in Italy, Denmark, Israel, and the Tri-state area, and as a multilingual artist, Sandro aims to speak beyond the spoken word, and question and travel beyond the physical, and metaphysical, boundaries and barriers within and without oneself. Sandro’s goal as an artist is to inspire and empower others to share themselves honestly while expressing their own authentic voice unapologetically.