Andrew Hutner & Leana Macaya
BREAKDOWN // BREAKTHROUGH is an exhibition of paintings, sculptures, and projections by New York-based artists Leana Macaya and Andrew Hutner. Viewing the body as a tool, their work explores the creative process as a hybrid of action and aftermath.
About the Artists:
Andrew Hutner is a conceptual performance artist. Through the use of sculpture, painting, and improvisational happenings, his work encapsulates the theater of masculinity.
He is based in Chelsea, and has had a number of performances throughout the New York Metropolitan area. His most recent performance, “Hygiene Theater” tackles themes of daily ritual and cleanliness in the COVID-era while navigating the recent passing of his father.
Currently Andrew is expanding his practice to communal outreach and collaborative artistic innovation. He facilitates weekly gatherings based out of his Chelsea studio where fellow artists are invited to network and co-create.
For more information on Andrew and his work visit his website and follow him on Instagram.
Leana Macaya is a multi-disciplinary designer from the Bronx, currently based in Brooklyn. Her work combines graphic design with handicraft- using traditional printmaking and textile techniques to spark a dialogue between our ever-evolving modes of interaction and human connection.
For more information on Leana and her work visit her website and follow her on Instagram.