90 Minutes
Sarah Rose
90 Minutes is a constantly evolving movement installation created through the collaboration of Janet Cesarotti, Alexandra Lance, Julie Opiel, Sydney Parker, and Sarah Rose.
The research for 90 Minutes begins with a question about habit. Why do certain movement pathways, spatial choices, and timing structures recur for me? Do I need to override them?
Sarah Rose sets up systematic choreographic experiments which provide her with a deeper awareness of these subconscious choices. These investigations result in a constantly evolving choreographic work. As the nature of the experiments change, the product also changes. It is stabilized in its instability, however, by the constancy found in the relationships between a certain set of bodies continuing to iterate themselves over time. The result speaks broadly to the interpersonal through a subversive structure reflective of current socio-political trends.
Sarah Rose earned her BA in Classics from Princeton University and is pursuing her MFA in Choreography and Performance from Florida State University (2016-2019). She has shown her choreography in Princeton, NJ, New York City, NY, Brooklyn, NY, Queens, NY, and Tallahassee, FL. She also makes work in collaboration with Ross Daniel on their shared platform, DanielRose Projects.
To learn more about this and other projects, please visit www.sarahrosedance.com or contact Sarah at sarah@sarahrosedance.com She may also be followed on Facebook and Instagram.
Banner photo by Nika Sourakov.